Dance Education should be provided with standards, framework, and goals. Each of our genres of dance has a curriculum that sets aside from your traditional studio.
The Dance Company has dance classes for all levels, abilities, and interests! We also offer workshops and private lessons through out the year to compliment all of your classes and let you explore other genres to see if you would like to try something new with out committing to a full season!
As part of our ongoing commitment to providing an opportunity of higher level dance training, we have specific tracks designed to meet the needs of your students with respect to your time. All tracks Academic, Trainee, and Apprentice are specific levels, based on ability based placements by directors. Having a track simply allows our staff and instructors to understand your level of interest in dance, help plan your schedule but always maintaining the highest level of learning in technique classes. Students will be supported in their personal goals and feel included no matter the track they choose!
All students will be given the same opportunities in workshops, masterclasses, conventions, summer auditions, and scholarship auditions. Performance opportunities will be available for ALL classes in December and June. Depending on the preparation of the classes, some might be eligible to be chosen for extra performance opportunities. There will also be performance group opportunities and auditions as we grow as a studio.
Dance CAN be just for FUN! It can be for LEARNING, GROWTH, and pure JOY! In our academic technique classes, your child will learn from certified, experienced instructors. Classes will have a studio based curriculum where you can guarantee, track, and set expectations on your child’s goals and growth in dance. The classes are structured with an interactive environment where kids will feel comfortable, not pressured, and track their improvements through out their year to build their self confidence and self esteem.
We are committed to maintaining the integrity of our high-test instruction level regardless of weekly time commitment.
This track is best for students who are "dabbling" in dance or making time for multiple extra curriculars.
Dance is difficult to navigate through because it is academics, it is technical, it is artistic, and it’s competitive. Our trainee program track is designed to help your student pursue dance at a higher level than academic classes. The combination of classes are tracked so that you can get the most productive use of your dance time and energy. Certain classes work better to compliment each other depending on what you decide to pursue. Trainee level students have opportunities to register early for workshops and master classes and invited to join us for conventions and additional dance opportunities. Students at this level also have an opportunity to take extra classes as a “demonstrator” helping them hone in on leadership skills while getting extra technique practice. Suggested classes 3-4/week technique classes. This level is not exclusive to our competition and performance students, but will incorporate with many of these students due to their rigorous rehearsal schedule.
The apprentice level is for our preprofessional, pre-collegiate dancers as well as our high achievers and most advanced dancers. The element of having a special mentorship program to help students reach their goals of dancing through college or as a career is our focus. MANY schools offer very generous scholarships for dance. At this level we will prepare your students for their next step in their journey of dance. Apprentices will also have the opportunity in our teacher training program and eligible for compensation internships.
Apprentice level students have opportunities to register early for workshops and master classes and invited to join us for conventions and additional dance opportunities.
This level is for the serious dancer who is ready to take their dancing to the next level. This level is not exclusive to our competition and performance students, but will incorporate with many of these students due to their rigorous rehearsal schedule.