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Who is The Dance Company?
The Dance Company is a family of artists coming together to provide dance education in a way that is unique to our area. TDC has a passion for education in a safe, structured, and enjoyable environment. Education of dance is based on a foundation of history, curriculum, and goal setting. These 3 focuses with innate attention to injury prevention and artistry in collaboration with our continued network of industry professionals and collegiate level education, will provide the highest standard of dance.
In the choice of being affiliated with Innovative Studios, The Dance Company has access to community emersion and collaboration with performing arts on a broader scale. We are not interested in making The Dance Company a “studio” business, but a dance experience. Dance is all over the world and with this collaboration we will get a community outreach in both the local and global periscopes.
We strive to create a unique respect of family time and quality dance instruction. There is a gap in our community where parents are miseducated that in order to be a great dancer or performer, the student must work every day|all day to reach that goal, sacrificing the importance of family values. This excessive dedication also adds to overuse injuries and unfortunately burn out.
Placing the needs of our families first, we will work with each dancer to provide a safe and supportive environment for them to grow in. Our teachers will put the needs of your child first and provide a dance education based on their intellectual, emotional, and physical growth. Students will be equipped with the skills to become a professional dancer, if that is what they choose, but also supported with quality instruction to grow into whatever level of dance they choose is their path. Schedule your appointment today so our instructors can evaluate your goals and abilities. Let us show you how we approach our mission with a full focus on QUALITY.
Our goal for our students is to help them on their journey in dance in whatever capacity that is. We understand and respect that some students just LOVE to dance, while others use dance as a cross training tool for their more passionate athletics, or some want to take dance to the collegiate or career level. Our studio has tracks available for everyone. Whether you choose to enjoy our academic, trainee, or apprentice tracks, your needs will be met with attention, respect, and care.